Solutions by Industry

The ease of working with StreamZero with it's ability to rewire services at will and integrate across clouds and services Agility into engineering.

Case Studies for any Application

When events and services come together as a cohesive set of processes, businesses are enabled and value is provided.

Learn from our cases studies and see for yourself how value is obtained with the smart integration of services and events.

StreamZero DX is built for solutions of any kind, across industry verticals and horizontal business aplications.

Case Studies

Select sample Case Studies

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Next best offer

To support sales people and clients with a “next best product” recommendation, a closed loop flow has been established from Marketing / Research to Sales and eventually to the client.

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Product classification

Multi-dimensional and ontology-based classification of products along different regulatory frameworks and systematic mapping of the company's internal specialist expertise...

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Sensor based monitoring

Sensor-based monitoring of sensitive goods along the transport chain (location, light, temperature, humidity & shocks in one sensor) and integration of these IoT components...