Notifications and Messaging
Ferris provides you access to over 40 notification services such as Slack, Email and Telegram.
Ferris FX uses the Apprise Python Libs as an engine for notifiation dispatch. The power of Apprise gives you access to over 40 notification services. A complete list is provided in a table and the end of the document.
In order to send notifications from your package you need is to create and emit a pre-defined event type.
How to send notifications from your package
In order to send notifications from your package you need to send a ‘ferris.notifications.apprise.notification’ event from your package
You can do it like so.
How does it Work?
There are 2 approaches to implementing the notifications support.
- Implementation within a Ferris Service
- Implementation in an Exit Gateway
The 2nd option is used in platforms which are behind a firewall and therefore require the gateway to be outside the firewall for accessing external services. In these cases the adapter runs as a separate container.
Irrespective of the infrastructure implementation the service internal API (as illustrated above) does not change.
The following documentation refers to Option 1.
In order to send notifcations
The Apprise Libs must be present in the Executor Image.
You must have the Apprise Notifications Packages installed and running. You can find the code base further below in document.
You must upload a secrets.json file for the Apprise Notifications Package. Please note that you should maintain a separate copy of the configs since this will not be displayed in your configuration manager since it contains credentials.
A sample configuration file is provided below. Please use the table based on Apprise documentation to understand the URL Template structure.
Once the Apprise Notifications Package is installed along with the configurations you must link the package to be triggered by the ‘ferris.notifications.apprise.notification’ event.
The Ferris Apprise Package
The following is code for an Ferris executor package to send apprise based notifications.
To send a notification from within your python application, just do the following:
The following is a sample configuration which is uploaded as a secrets.json file for the Ferris Apprise Package.
The configuration consists of a set of named URL templates. With each url_template being based on the Apprise URL schema as shown in the sections further in document.
While you are free to name URL templates as you wish it is preferred to prefix them with an indication of the underlying service being used to send notifications.
The configurations must be added to a secrets.json file and uploaded as part of the apprise_package.
The apprise package must be configured to be triggered by the ‘ferris.notifications.apprise.notification’ event.
Popular Notification Services
The table below identifies the services this tool supports and some example service urls you need to use in order to take advantage of it.
Click on any of the services listed below to get more details on how you can configure Apprise to access them.
Notification Service | Service ID | Default Port | Example Syntax |
Apprise API | apprise:// or apprises:// | (TCP) 80 or 443 | apprise://hostname/Token |
AWS SES | ses:// | (TCP) 443 | ses://user@domain/AccessKeyID/AccessSecretKey/RegionName ses://user@domain/AccessKeyID/AccessSecretKey/RegionName/email1/email2/emailN |
Discord | discord:// | (TCP) 443 | discord://webhook_id/webhook_token discord://avatar@webhook_id/webhook_token |
Emby | emby:// or embys:// | (TCP) 8096 | emby://user@hostname/ emby://user:password@hostname |
Enigma2 | enigma2:// or enigma2s:// | (TCP) 80 or 443 | enigma2://hostname |
Faast | faast:// | (TCP) 443 | faast://authorizationtoken |
FCM | fcm:// | (TCP) 443 | fcm://project@apikey/DEVICE_ID fcm://project@apikey/#TOPIC fcm://project@apikey/DEVICE_ID1/#topic1/#topic2/DEVICE_ID2/ |
Flock | flock:// | (TCP) 443 | flock://token flock://botname@token flock://app_token/u:userid flock://app_token/g:channel_id flock://app_token/u:userid/g:channel_id |
Gitter | gitter:// | (TCP) 443 | gitter://token/room gitter://token/room1/room2/roomN |
Google Chat | gchat:// | (TCP) 443 | gchat://workspace/key/token |
Gotify | gotify:// or gotifys:// | (TCP) 80 or 443 | gotify://hostname/token gotifys://hostname/token?priority=high |
Growl | growl:// | (UDP) 23053 | growl://hostname growl://hostname:portno growl://password@hostname growl://password@hostname:portNote: you can also use the get parameter version which can allow the growl request to behave using the older v1.x protocol. An example would look like: growl://hostname?version=1 |
Home Assistant | hassio:// or hassios:// | (TCP) 8123 or 443 | hassio://hostname/accesstoken hassio://user@hostname/accesstoken hassio://user:password@hostname:port/accesstoken hassio://hostname/optional/path/accesstoken |
IFTTT | ifttt:// | (TCP) 443 | ifttt://webhooksID/Event ifttt://webhooksID/Event1/Event2/EventN ifttt://webhooksID/Event1/?+Key=Value ifttt://webhooksID/Event1/?-Key=value1 |
Join | join:// | (TCP) 443 | join://apikey/device join://apikey/device1/device2/deviceN/ join://apikey/group join://apikey/groupA/groupB/groupN join://apikey/DeviceA/groupA/groupN/DeviceN/ |
KODI | kodi:// or kodis:// | (TCP) 8080 or 443 | kodi://hostname kodi://user@hostname kodi://user:password@hostname:port |
Kumulos | kumulos:// | (TCP) 443 | kumulos://apikey/serverkey |
LaMetric Time | lametric:// | (TCP) 443 | lametric://apikey@device_ipaddr lametric://apikey@hostname:port lametric://client_id@client_secret |
Mailgun | mailgun:// | (TCP) 443 | mailgun://user@hostname/apikey mailgun://user@hostname/apikey/email mailgun://user@hostname/apikey/email1/email2/emailN mailgun://user@hostname/apikey/?name=“From%20User” |
Matrix | matrix:// or matrixs:// | (TCP) 80 or 443 | matrix://hostname matrix://user@hostname matrixs://user:pass@hostname:port/#room_alias matrixs://user:pass@hostname:port/!room_id matrixs://user:pass@hostname:port/#room_alias/!room_id/#room2 matrixs://token@hostname:port/?webhook=matrix matrix://user:token@hostname/?webhook=slack&format=markdown |
Mattermost | mmost:// or mmosts:// | (TCP) 8065 | mmost://hostname/authkey mmost://hostname:80/authkey mmost://user@hostname:80/authkey mmost://hostname/authkey?channel=channel mmosts://hostname/authkey mmosts://user@hostname/authkey |
Microsoft Teams | msteams:// | (TCP) 443 | msteams://TokenA/TokenB/TokenC/ |
MQTT | mqtt:// or mqtts:// | (TCP) 1883 or 8883 | mqtt://hostname/topic mqtt://user@hostname/topic mqtts://user:pass@hostname:9883/topic |
Nextcloud | ncloud:// or nclouds:// | (TCP) 80 or 443 | ncloud://adminuser:pass@host/User nclouds://adminuser:pass@host/User1/User2/UserN |
NextcloudTalk | nctalk:// or nctalks:// | (TCP) 80 or 443 | nctalk://user:pass@host/RoomId nctalks://user:pass@host/RoomId1/RoomId2/RoomIdN |
Notica | notica:// | (TCP) 443 | notica://Token/ |
Notifico | notifico:// | (TCP) 443 | notifico://ProjectID/MessageHook/ |
Office 365 | o365:// | (TCP) 443 | o365://TenantID:AccountEmail/ClientID/ClientSecret o365://TenantID:AccountEmail/ClientID/ClientSecret/TargetEmail o365://TenantID:AccountEmail/ClientID/ClientSecret/TargetEmail1/TargetEmail2/TargetEmailN |
OneSignal | onesignal:// | (TCP) 443 | onesignal://AppID@APIKey/PlayerID onesignal://TemplateID:AppID@APIKey/UserID onesignal://AppID@APIKey/#IncludeSegment onesignal://AppID@APIKey/Email |
Opsgenie | opsgenie:// | (TCP) 443 | opsgenie://APIKey opsgenie://APIKey/UserID opsgenie://APIKey/#Team opsgenie://APIKey/*Schedule opsgenie://APIKey/^Escalation |
ParsePlatform | parsep:// or parseps:// | (TCP) 80 or 443 | parsep://AppID:MasterKey@Hostname parseps://AppID:MasterKey@Hostname |
PopcornNotify | popcorn:// | (TCP) 443 | popcorn://ApiKey/ToPhoneNo popcorn://ApiKey/ToPhoneNo1/ToPhoneNo2/ToPhoneNoN/ popcorn://ApiKey/ToEmail popcorn://ApiKey/ToEmail1/ToEmail2/ToEmailN/ popcorn://ApiKey/ToPhoneNo1/ToEmail1/ToPhoneNoN/ToEmailN |
Prowl | prowl:// | (TCP) 443 | prowl://apikey prowl://apikey/providerkey |
PushBullet | pbul:// | (TCP) 443 | pbul://accesstoken pbul://accesstoken/#channel pbul://accesstoken/A_DEVICE_ID pbul://accesstoken/ pbul://accesstoken/#channel/#channel2/ |
Push (Techulus) | push:// | (TCP) 443 | push://apikey/ |
Pushed | pushed:// | (TCP) 443 | pushed://appkey/appsecret/ pushed://appkey/appsecret/#ChannelAlias pushed://appkey/appsecret/#ChannelAlias1/#ChannelAlias2/#ChannelAliasN pushed://appkey/appsecret/@UserPushedID pushed://appkey/appsecret/@UserPushedID1/@UserPushedID2/@UserPushedIDN |
Pushover | pover:// | (TCP) 443 | pover://user@token pover://user@token/DEVICE pover://user@token/DEVICE1/DEVICE2/DEVICEN Note: you must specify both your user_id and token |
PushSafer | psafer:// or psafers:// | (TCP) 80 or 443 | psafer://privatekey psafers://privatekey/DEVICE psafer://privatekey/DEVICE1/DEVICE2/DEVICEN |
reddit:// | (TCP) 443 | reddit://user:password@app_id/app_secret/subreddit reddit://user:password@app_id/app_secret/sub1/sub2/subN |
Rocket.Chat | rocket:// or rockets:// | (TCP) 80 or 443 | rocket://user:password@hostname/RoomID/Channel rockets://user:password@hostname:443/#Channel1/#Channel1/RoomID rocket://user:password@hostname/#Channel rocket://webhook@hostname rockets://webhook@hostname/@User/#Channel |
Ryver | ryver:// | (TCP) 443 | ryver://Organization/Token ryver://botname@Organization/Token |
SendGrid | sendgrid:// | (TCP) 443 | sendgrid://APIToken:FromEmail/ sendgrid://APIToken:FromEmail/ToEmail sendgrid://APIToken:FromEmail/ToEmail1/ToEmail2/ToEmailN/ |
ServerChan | serverchan:// | (TCP) 443 | serverchan://token/ |
SimplePush | spush:// | (TCP) 443 | spush://apikey spush://salt:password@apikey spush://apikey?event=Apprise |
Slack | slack:// | (TCP) 443 | slack://TokenA/TokenB/TokenC/ slack://TokenA/TokenB/TokenC/Channel slack://botname@TokenA/TokenB/TokenC/Channel slack://user@TokenA/TokenB/TokenC/Channel1/Channel2/ChannelN |
SMTP2Go | smtp2go:// | (TCP) 443 | smtp2go://user@hostname/apikey smtp2go://user@hostname/apikey/email smtp2go://user@hostname/apikey/email1/email2/emailN smtp2go://user@hostname/apikey/?name=“From%20User” |
Streamlabs | strmlabs:// | (TCP) 443 | strmlabs://AccessToken/ strmlabs://AccessToken/?name=name&identifier=identifier&amount=0¤cy=USD |
SparkPost | sparkpost:// | (TCP) 443 | sparkpost://user@hostname/apikey sparkpost://user@hostname/apikey/email sparkpost://user@hostname/apikey/email1/email2/emailN sparkpost://user@hostname/apikey/?name=“From%20User” |
Spontit | spontit:// | (TCP) 443 | spontit://UserID@APIKey/ spontit://UserID@APIKey/Channel spontit://UserID@APIKey/Channel1/Channel2/ChannelN |
Syslog | syslog:// | (UDP) 514 (if hostname specified) | syslog:// syslog://Facility syslog://hostname syslog://hostname/Facility |
Telegram | tgram:// | (TCP) 443 | tgram://bottoken/ChatID tgram://bottoken/ChatID1/ChatID2/ChatIDN |
twitter:// | (TCP) 443 | twitter://CKey/CSecret/AKey/ASecret twitter://user@CKey/CSecret/AKey/ASecret twitter://CKey/CSecret/AKey/ASecret/User1/User2/User2 twitter://CKey/CSecret/AKey/ASecret?mode=tweet |
Twist | twist:// | (TCP) 443 | twist://pasword:login twist://password:login/#channel twist://password:login/#team:channel twist://password:login/#team:channel1/channel2/#team3:channel |
XMPP | xmpp:// or xmpps:// | (TCP) 5222 or 5223 | xmpp://user:password@hostname xmpps://user:password@hostname:port?jid=user@hostname/resource xmpps://user:password@hostname/target@myhost, target2@myhost/resource |
Webex Teams (Cisco) | wxteams:// | (TCP) 443 | wxteams://Token |
Zulip Chat | zulip:// | (TCP) 443 | zulip://botname@Organization/Token zulip://botname@Organization/Token/Stream zulip://botname@Organization/Token/Email |
SMS Notification Support
Notification Service | Service ID | Default Port | Example Syntax |
AWS SNS | sns:// | (TCP) 443 | sns://AccessKeyID/AccessSecretKey/RegionName/+PhoneNo sns://AccessKeyID/AccessSecretKey/RegionName/+PhoneNo1/+PhoneNo2/+PhoneNoN sns://AccessKeyID/AccessSecretKey/RegionName/Topic sns://AccessKeyID/AccessSecretKey/RegionName/Topic1/Topic2/TopicN |
ClickSend | clicksend:// | (TCP) 443 | clicksend://user:pass@PhoneNo clicksend://user:pass@ToPhoneNo1/ToPhoneNo2/ToPhoneNoN |
DAPNET | dapnet:// | (TCP) 80 | dapnet://user:pass@callsign dapnet://user:pass@callsign1/callsign2/callsignN |
D7 Networks | d7sms:// | (TCP) 443 | d7sms://user:pass@PhoneNo d7sms://user:pass@ToPhoneNo1/ToPhoneNo2/ToPhoneNoN |
DingTalk | dingtalk:// | (TCP) 443 | dingtalk://token/ dingtalk://token/ToPhoneNo dingtalk://token/ToPhoneNo1/ToPhoneNo2/ToPhoneNo1/ |
Kavenegar | kavenegar:// | (TCP) 443 | kavenegar://ApiKey/ToPhoneNo kavenegar://FromPhoneNo@ApiKey/ToPhoneNo kavenegar://ApiKey/ToPhoneNo1/ToPhoneNo2/ToPhoneNoN |
MessageBird | msgbird:// | (TCP) 443 | msgbird://ApiKey/FromPhoneNo msgbird://ApiKey/FromPhoneNo/ToPhoneNo msgbird://ApiKey/FromPhoneNo/ToPhoneNo1/ToPhoneNo2/ToPhoneNoN/ |
MSG91 | msg91:// | (TCP) 443 | msg91://AuthKey/ToPhoneNo msg91://SenderID@AuthKey/ToPhoneNo msg91://AuthKey/ToPhoneNo1/ToPhoneNo2/ToPhoneNoN/ |
Nexmo | nexmo:// | (TCP) 443 | nexmo://ApiKey:ApiSecret@FromPhoneNo nexmo://ApiKey:ApiSecret@FromPhoneNo/ToPhoneNo nexmo://ApiKey:ApiSecret@FromPhoneNo/ToPhoneNo1/ToPhoneNo2/ToPhoneNoN/ |
Sinch | sinch:// | (TCP) 443 | sinch://ServicePlanId:ApiToken@FromPhoneNo sinch://ServicePlanId:ApiToken@FromPhoneNo/ToPhoneNo sinch://ServicePlanId:ApiToken@FromPhoneNo/ToPhoneNo1/ToPhoneNo2/ToPhoneNoN/ sinch://ServicePlanId:ApiToken@ShortCode/ToPhoneNo sinch://ServicePlanId:ApiToken@ShortCode/ToPhoneNo1/ToPhoneNo2/ToPhoneNoN/ |
Twilio | twilio:// | (TCP) 443 | twilio://AccountSid:AuthToken@FromPhoneNo twilio://AccountSid:AuthToken@FromPhoneNo/ToPhoneNo twilio://AccountSid:AuthToken@FromPhoneNo/ToPhoneNo1/ToPhoneNo2/ToPhoneNoN/ twilio://AccountSid:AuthToken@FromPhoneNo/ToPhoneNo?apikey=Key twilio://AccountSid:AuthToken@ShortCode/ToPhoneNo twilio://AccountSid:AuthToken@ShortCode/ToPhoneNo1/ToPhoneNo2/ToPhoneNoN/ |
Desktop Notification Support
Notification Service | Service ID | Default Port | Example Syntax |
Linux DBus Notifications | dbus:// qt:// glib:// kde:// |
n/a | dbus:// qt:// glib:// kde:// |
Linux Gnome Notifications | gnome:// | n/a | gnome:// |
MacOS X Notifications | macosx:// | n/a | macosx:// |
Windows Notifications | windows:// | n/a | windows:// |
Email Support
Service ID | Default Port | Example Syntax |
mailto:// | (TCP) 25 | mailto:// mailto:// mailto:// mailto:// mailto:// mailto:// |
mailtos:// | (TCP) 587 | mailtos:// mailtos:// mailtos:// mailtos:// mailtos:// mailtos:// |
Apprise have some email services built right into it (such as yahoo, fastmail, hotmail, gmail, etc) that greatly simplify the mailto:// service. See more details here.
Custom Notifications
Post Method | Service ID | Default Port | Example Syntax |
Form | form:// or form:// | (TCP) 80 or 443 | form://hostname form://user@hostname form://user:password@hostname:port form://hostname/a/path/to/post/to |
JSON | json:// or jsons:// | (TCP) 80 or 443 | json://hostname json://user@hostname json://user:password@hostname:port json://hostname/a/path/to/post/to |
XML | xml:// or xmls:// | (TCP) 80 or 443 | xml://hostname xml://user@hostname xml://user:password@hostname:port xml://hostname/a/path/to/post/to |
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